Are you ready to welcome the beautiful fall? Now, in the August, it seems that it is still too far away, but that is just an illusion. Soon September will be upon us, so it is time to get prepared! Today we want to talk about things you can do to make your roof ready for the fall!Clear off and debris and trim the treesAll little rubbish that found its way on your roof will surely end up in gutters. That is why we recommend cleaning your roof nicely. Cleaning off organic debris helps to ensure longevity of your roof, since fallen leaves and tiny branches can retain water. Remember that a constant source of moisture on your roof can lead to mold and mildew growth. Since it is only the beginning of August, you still have enough time to climb your roof or find a professional who will do this for you.Gutters cleaningThe next step is gutter cleaning! The reason why it is important to keep them clean is that dirty gutters can become a very cozy home for mold and pests. If tiny sticks, leaves, moss and other organic rubbish clogs gutters, it can result in a leaky roof.Schedule an appointment with a roof contractorHot months are usually a rough period for roofs. Heat can cause cracks, swelling, and other rather serious problems that should be solved as soon as possible. Do you suspect that something might be wrong? Then it is time to schedule an appointment with a professional and reliable roof contractor. Summer turns out to be the best time for the inspection because you will have enough time to fix any damage.Have a question to ask? You can call us at 847-483-9960 and our contractors will be happy to help you. Please, remember that you can get a free estimate, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us!